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Chemical Science

eISSN: 2041-6539

Home to exceptional research and thought-provoking ideas. Open and free, for authors and readers. Chemical Science is the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the home for world-leading, interdisciplinary research from every aspect of the chemical sciences. As a multidisciplinary chemistry journal, our broad scope covers: analytical science and techniques; bioinorganic chemistry; biomaterials; biophysical chemistry; catalysis; chemical biology; chemical engineering; crystal engineering; energy conversion and storage; environmental, sustainable and green chemistry; inorganic chemistry; inorganic materials; main group chemistry; medicinal chemistry; nanoscience; organic chemistry; organic materials; physical chemistry; polymers; porous materials; supramolecular chemistry; and theoretical and computational chemistry.

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Dalton Transactions

eISSN: 1477-9234

Dalton Transactions publishes high-quality original research, theoretical and computational studies that significantly advance the field of inorganic chemistry. Its scope includes organometallic, bioinorganic, medicinal inorganic, materials and nanomaterials, with applications including synthesis, catalysis, energy conversion/storage, electrical devices and medicine and sensors.

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Environmental Science: Advances

eISSN: 2754-7000

Environmental Science: Advances caters to all disciplines working towards environmental sustainability, publishing research that enhances our comprehension of the environment and proposes solutions for a cleaner, safer and more equitable world. Environmental Science: Advances invites fundamental research, modelling, fieldwork, applied studies and policy work from across the environmental sciences. The journal welcomes research from any environmental or sustainability field, including biosciences, engineering, ecology, hydrology, soil science, geoscience, atmospheric science, agricultural science and climate science. Studies that advance our understanding of the physical environment, environmental health and environmental sustainability, or provide solutions to challenges in these areas are particularly welcome, as are studies falling at the environmental and social science interface. Manuscripts will be judged on their quality, interest and potential impact to ensure the publication of novel and significant contributions.

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Environmental Science: Nano

eISSN: 2051-8161

Environmental Science: Nano is a comprehensive, high-impact source of peer-reviewed information on the design and demonstration of engineered nanomaterials for environment-based applications and on the interactions of engineered, natural, and incidental nanomaterials with biological and environmental systems. This scope includes, but is not limited to, the following topic areas: • Novel nanomaterial-based applications for water, air, soil, food, and energy sustainability • Nanomaterial interactions with biological systems and nanotoxicology • Environmental fate, reactivity, and transformations of nanoscale materials • Nanoscale processes in the environment • Sustainable nanotechnology including rational nanomaterial design, life cycle assessment, risk/benefit analysis

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Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

eISSN: 2050-7895

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts publishes high quality papers in all areas of the environmental chemical sciences, including chemistry of the air, water, soil and sediment. We welcome studies on the environmental fate and effects of anthropogenic and naturally occurring contaminants, both chemical and microbiological, as well as related natural element cycling processes. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts strongly prefers significant contributions whose results can be generalised to other systems, especially studies that characterise chemical processes (e.g. chemical and (micro)biological transformations and transport) as well as those that address contaminant impacts on ecosystems and human health. We also welcome high impact field studies, particularly those that are broad enough to define occurrence baselines or long term trends, identify new contaminants, or those that enrich our molecular-level understanding of environmental systems. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts also invites papers that bridge between environmental chemistry and sustainability topics, such as life cycle assessment, materials flow analysis, and environmental decision making.

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Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

eISSN: 2053-1419

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks to showcase high quality research about fundamental science, innovative technologies, and management practices that promote sustainable water. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive and relevant forum that unites the diverse communities and disciplines conducting water research relevant to engineered systems and the built environment. This includes fundamental science geared toward understanding physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in these systems as well as applied research focused on the development and optimisation of engineered treatment, management, and supply strategies. Papers must report a significant advance in the theory, fundamental understanding, practice or application of water research, management, engineering or technology.

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Green Chemistry

eISSN: 1463-9270

Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Based on the, but not limited to, the twelve principles of green chemistry defined by Anastas and Warner (Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, P T Anastas and J C Warner, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Green chemistry is, by definition, a continuously-evolving frontier. Therefore, the inclusion of a particular material or technology does not, of itself, guarantee that a paper is suitable for the journal. To be suitable, the novel advance should have the potential for reduced environmental impact relative to the state of the art. Green Chemistry does not normally deal with research associated with 'end-of-pipe' or remediation issues.

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Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers

eISSN: 2052-1553

Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers welcomes research articles and review-type articles from all areas of inorganic chemistry. Emphases are placed on interdisciplinary studies where inorganic chemistry meets related areas, such as catalysis, biochemistry, nanoscience, energy, and materials science. Significant advances in inorganic chemistry and proved applications in other disciplines are essential. Together with Organic Chemistry Frontiers and Materials Chemistry Frontiers, this suite of journals offers an authoritative portfolio that is jointly owned by the Chinese Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and partner institutions.

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Materials Chemistry Frontiers

eISSN: 2052-1537

Materials Chemistry Frontiers is devoted to the publication of original contributions at the interface of chemistry and materials science, with topics spanning but not limited to energy materials, catalysis, biomaterials, nanoscience, polymers, luminescent materials, and sensors. The journal places an emphasis on original research that demonstrates conceptual advancements with emerging applications, rather than primarily reporting technological improvements. Together with Organic Chemistry Frontiers and Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, this suite of journals offers an authoritative portfolio that is jointly owned by the Chinese Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and partner institutions.

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Molecular Omics

eISSN: 2515-4184

Molecular Omics publishes high-quality research from across the -omics sciences that provide significant new insight into important chemical or biological problems. Topics covered by Molecular Omics include, but are not limited to, proteomics, genomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, glycomics, metabolomics, microbiomics, sequencing technologies and bioinformatic research. Molecular Omics articles report research that significantly increases understanding or demonstrates clear functional benefits, supported by experimental validation or a novel data analytic approach. Topics include, but are not limited to: -omics studies to gain mechanistic insight into biological processes; -omics studies for clinical applications with experimental validation, such as finding biomarkers for diagnostics or potential new drug targets; -omics studies looking at the sub-cellular make-up of cells – for example, the subcellular localisation of certain proteins or post-translational modifications or new imaging techniques; studies presenting new methods and tools to support omics studies, including new spectroscopic/chromatographic techniques, chip-based/array technologies and new classification/data analysis techniques.

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eISSN: 2040-3372

Nanoscale is a high-impact international journal, publishing high-quality research across nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoscale publishes a full mix of research articles and reviews on experimental and theoretical work and is highly interdisciplinary, covering nanoscience, nanotechnology, quantum materials, quantum technology, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, materials, energy/environment, information technology, detection science, healthcare, drug discovery, and electronics. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology and bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment.

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Nanoscale Advances

eISSN: 2516-0230

Nanoscale Advances is an international gold open access journal, publishing high-quality research across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The journal accepts experimental and theoretical work in the form of communications, full papers and reviews, building on and complementing the nano content already published across the Royal Society of Chemistry journal portfolio. Topics include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; layered quantum materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, molecular nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; Nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology/bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment

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Nanoscale Horizons

eISSN: 2055-6764

Nanoscale Horizons is a leading journal for the publication of exceptionally high-quality, innovative nanoscience and nanotechnology. The journal places an emphasis on original nano research that demonstrates a new concept or a new way of thinking (a conceptual advance), rather than primarily reporting technological improvements. However, outstanding articles featuring truly breakthrough developments such as record performance alone may also be published in the journal. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology and bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment.

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Organic Chemistry Frontiers

eISSN: 2052-4129

Organic Chemistry Frontiers is an international forum for cutting-edge research from all disciplines of organic chemistry, with topics spanning but not limited to organic synthesis, catalysis, natural products, functional organic materials, supramolecular and macromolecular chemistry, physical and computational chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and bioorganic chemistry. Emphases are placed on studies that make significant contributions to the field of organic chemistry by reporting either new or significantly improved protocols or methodologies. Together with Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers and Materials Chemistry Frontiers, this suite of journals offers an authoritative portfolio that is jointly owned by the Chinese Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and partner institutions.

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RSC Advances

eISSN: 2046-2069

At the heart of open access for the global chemistry community. RSC Advances publishes advances in chemistry, and in topics of interest to the chemistry community.

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RSC Chemical Biology

eISSN: 2633-0679

RSC Chemical Biology is a gold open access journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating exceptional, breakthrough research and high-quality reviews at the interface of chemistry and biology. We welcome contributions from across the breadth of the chemical biology field. This includes Sensing and Imaging, Bioorthogonal chemistry, Biosynthesis, Biomimetics and Bioengineering, Synthetic biology, Directed evolution, Drugs development and mechanism of action, Glycoscience, Natural products, Nucleic acids, Peptides, Phenotypic screening, Proteins (including protein-protein interactions, modifications, structure and function) We are particularly interested in reports on the application of chemical tools to probe, explore and visualize biological systems and processes to provide insights into molecular mechanisms in health and disease. We also encourage translational research that bridges chemistry and chemical biology to medicine.

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RSC Medicinal Chemistry

eISSN: 2632-8682

RSC Medicinal Chemistry publishes significant research in medicinal chemistry and related drug discovery science. Research articles published in RSC Medicinal Chemistry must show a breakthrough or significant advance on previously published work, or bring new thinking or results that will have a strong impact in their field. Topics within the journal's scope include, but are not limited to: design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel chemical entities or biotherapeutic modalities; modifications of known chemical entities or biotherapeutic modalities that result in a significantly greater understanding of their structure-activity relationships, an improvement of their properties or provide other information of significant value; novel methodologies and technologies in the broader chemical and biological sciences; computational, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) studies are welcome where they significantly advance medicinal chemistry knowledge; studies that examine the effect of the molecular structure of a compound on pharmacokinetic behaviour and pharmacodynamics; studies that present new insights into drug design based on analysis of existing experimental datasets or new theoretical approaches if supported by experimental evidence; studies presenting new drug delivery systems with novel chemical agents are welcomed, in particular those that involve chemical modification of the delivery system of conjugation with novel delivery vectors.

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RSC Pharmaceutics

eISSN: 2976-8713

RSC Pharmaceutics is a new gold open access journal leading the way in the field of Pharmaceutics. This journal publishes research focused on formulating a drug into a medicine, with the intention of achieving controllable drug delivery with high efficacy. Research published in RSC Pharmaceutics promotes step-change science in the field of Pharmaceutics, and, as such, all submissions must show clear innovation, be scientifically sound, and have a significant impact on the field. Research sharing new scientific findings from across the areas of chemistry, materials science, biomedical sciences, pharmaceutics and drug delivery are all welcomed. Topics include but are not limited to: • Formulation and design of medicines • Design and characterization of correct dosage forms • Physicochemical and biological properties of drugs and their carriers • Drug delivery devices and their mechanisms of release

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Sensors & Diagnostics

eISSN: 2635-0998

Sensors & Diagnostics is a gold open access journal focused on high-impact, innovative sensing work. The journal welcomes high-quality studies reporting innovative materials, novel detection principles, and/or significant development of known devices. All work must be of significant interest to the community, and, where relevant, must show in situ or real-life sample testing. Topics include Biosensors (intracellular sensors, cell chips); Chemical sensors (electronic, electromagnetic, optical, mechanical, thermal, gas sensors, single molecule sensors, arrays & multiplexing); Physical and physiological sensors; Integrated, wearable and/or implantable sensors; Microfluidic devices (lab-on-a-chip, micro total analysis systems); Sensor and sensor-array chemometrics; Molecular diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), lateral flow assay (LFA), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)); Scanning based diagnostics (mammography/mastography, positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)); and Digital health and data management.

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