acoustics. It publishes original articles on all subjects in the field of acoustics, such asgeneral linear acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, macrosonics, flow acoustics, atmospheric sound, underwater sound, ultrasonics, physical acoustics, structural acoustics, noise control, active control, environmental noise, building acoustics, room acoustics, acoustic materials, electroacoustics and signal processing, computational and numerical acoustics, hearing, audiology and psychoacoustics, speech, musical acoustics, virtual acoustics, auditory quality of systems, history of acoustics.The journal reports on original scientific research in acoustics and on engineering applications. The journal considers scientific papers, technical and applied papers, book reviews, short communications, doctoral thesis abstracts, etc. In irregular intervals also special issues and review articles are published.
Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR) is a peer-reviewed, all-electronic journal available at no charge to readers via the Internet on the FUNPEC-RP (Ribeirão Preto Foundation for Research) website ( The overall aim of GMR is to publish original, outstanding research papers in the areas of Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution.GMR has been launched to agilize the process of publication and to make these publications readily available to the scientific community. The editorial staff at GMR maintains the same structure and procedures as the print journals that it has worked with previously, but with reduced costs due to the elimination of printing and mailing. Further, the lead time to publication is considerably reduced. After extensive consultation with scientists, financing institutions and indexing agencies we decided that there was a need for a high-quality electronic journal accessible at no charge to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. .
EPJ Data Science is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.
Data-driven science is rapidly emerging as a complementary approach to the traditional hypothesis-driven method. This revolution accompanying the paradigm shift from reductionism to complex systems sciences has already largely transformed the natural sciences and is about to bring the same changes to the techno-socio-economic sciences, viewed broadly. The journal EPJ Data Science addresses the challenges of the data revolution across academic disciplines: · how to extract meaningful data from systems with ever-increasing complexity· how to analyze data in ways that inspire new insights· how to generate data that is needed but not yet available· how to develop new empirical laws, or more fundamental theories, concerning the function of complex natural or artificial systems EPJ Data Science spans a broad range of research areas and applications with a focus on social systems, where it comprises those research lines that regard digital traces of human behavior as first-order objects for scientific investigation. This includes human and animal social behavior and interaction, economic and financial systems, management and business networks, socio-technical infrastructure, health and environmental systems, the science of science, as well as general risk and crisis scenario forecasting.
Quantum Physics, Quantum Information Technology; Spintronics, Nanotechnology and Microengineering
Measurement Science and Instrumentation, Atomic; Molecular; Optical and Plasma Physics, Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Biophysics and Biological Physics, Biomaterials, Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
Reading, writing and reviewing articles is a major part of the scientific process and should be as such included in scientific education. However, most professional journals are too technical to be accessible to students in training: a solid background is required to understand articles, it takes a long research experience to produce new publishable material and only well-established scientists are invited to review submitted manuscripts.
EmSci offers students a unique opportunity to get acquainted with scientific publication.
This special issue, devoted to diffractive optics, is loosely associated with EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics organized in Koli, Finland, in February 2010. Most of the papers deal with topics presented in the conference, but that was not a requirement. The six papers of the special issue cover a wide variety of theoretical and experimental topics with a slight emphasis on practical applications.
The journal covers disciplines and fields related to oil and gas prospecting, production, processing and utilization as well as that of other energy sources. The articles are either based on the scientific and technical activities of the French Petroleum Institute (IFP) or written by engineers, scientists and technicians from around the world.
Help with achieving parasitology progress and, especially, favour every kind of scientific exchange among researchers to promote a comparative parasitology.Members.
Regenerative Medicine Research is an open access, online journal which publishes research relating to both the fundamental and practical aspects of regenerative medicine, with a particular emphasis on translational research.